60018 Guimar-Tenerife Observations at 12Z 15 Dec 2004

    hPa     m      C      C      %    g/kg    deg   knot     K      K      K 
 1001.0    105   19.4   10.4     56   7.97    240      4  292.5  315.5  293.9
 1000.0    111   19.4    9.4     52   7.45      0      0  292.6  314.1  293.9
  930.0    728   13.1    7.8     70   7.19    100      5  292.2  313.1  293.5
  925.0    774   12.6    7.7     72   7.17    105      7  292.2  313.0  293.4
  909.0    920   11.0    7.9     81   7.40    101      9  292.0  313.4  293.3
  885.0   1142    9.9    5.6     75   6.50     95     12  293.1  312.1  294.2
  858.0   1399    8.6    3.0     68   5.56     70     23  294.3  310.8  295.3
  850.0   1477    8.2    2.2     66   5.30     70     18  294.7  310.5  295.7
  750.0   2497    0.4   -1.5     87   4.59     84     32  297.0  310.8  297.8
  740.0   2605   -0.1   -1.8     89   4.55     85     33  297.6  311.3  298.4
  733.0   2681   -0.5   -2.0     90   4.53     86     32  297.9  311.7  298.8
  700.0   3049   -2.3   -4.5     85   3.93     90     27  299.9  312.0  300.6
  687.0   3197   -3.1   -5.2     85   3.79     80     27  300.6  312.3  301.3
  667.0   3430   -4.4   -6.3     86   3.58     95     25  301.7  312.9  302.4
  649.0   3646   -5.6   -7.4     87   3.39     95     26  302.8  313.4  303.4
  644.0   3707   -5.9   -7.7     87   3.34     89     23  303.1  313.6  303.7
  616.0   4053   -7.7  -11.5     74   2.59     55      9  304.9  313.2  305.4
  599.0   4271   -8.8  -13.9     66   2.19     20     12  306.1  313.2  306.5
  593.0   4350   -9.2  -14.8     64   2.06     45     11  306.5  313.2  306.9
  588.0   4415   -9.5  -15.5     62   1.96     43     10  306.9  313.3  307.2
  583.0   4481   -9.3  -21.3     37   1.20     41     10  307.8  311.9  308.1
  563.0   4751  -10.7  -19.7     48   1.43     33      7  309.3  314.1  309.5
  557.0   4832  -11.4  -20.1     49   1.40     30      6  309.4  314.1  309.7
  556.0   4846  -11.5  -20.1     49   1.40     35      6  309.4  314.1  309.7
  508.0   5531  -17.3  -23.3     60   1.16     39     10  310.5  314.4  310.7
  500.0   5650  -18.1  -26.1     50   0.91     40     11  310.9  314.1  311.1
  479.0   5964  -20.5  -29.1     46   0.72     50     10  311.8  314.4  311.9
  409.0   7121  -29.3  -40.3     34   0.28      2      5  314.8  315.9  314.9
  400.0   7280  -30.9  -39.9     41   0.30    355      4  314.8  315.9  314.8
  360.0   7998  -37.5  -45.8     42   0.18    315      4  315.5  316.2  315.6
  321.0   8779  -44.7  -52.1     43   0.10    215      8  316.1  316.5  316.1
  315.0   8908  -45.9  -53.2     43   0.09    245     16  316.2  316.5  316.2
  300.0   9240  -48.9  -55.9     44   0.07    239     17  316.3  316.6  316.3
  292.0   9417  -50.7  -57.7     43   0.05    235     18  316.2  316.4  316.2
  279.0   9714  -51.7  -61.7     29   0.03    230     19  318.9  319.1  318.9
  269.0   9952  -51.2  -65.2     17   0.02    225     20  323.0  323.1  323.0
  254.0  10326  -50.3  -70.6      7   0.01    260     17  329.6  329.7  329.6
  250.0  10430  -50.1  -72.1      6   0.01                331.4  331.5  331.4
  247.0  10509  -49.7  -72.7      5   0.01                333.2  333.2  333.2
  200.0  11880  -50.9  -84.9      1   0.00                352.0  352.0  352.0
  198.0  11946  -50.7  -84.7      1   0.00                353.3  353.3  353.3
  150.0  13730  -57.1  -89.1      1   0.00                371.5  371.5  371.5
  129.0  14676  -60.7  -91.7      1   0.00                381.4  381.4  381.4
  105.0  15954  -61.5  -91.5      1   0.00                403.0  403.0  403.0

Station information and sounding indices

                             Station number: 60018
                           Observation time: 041215/1200
                           Station latitude: 28.47
                          Station longitude: -16.38
                          Station elevation: 105.0
                            Showalter index: 3.97
                               Lifted index: 1.99
    LIFT computed using virtual temperature: 1.89
                                SWEAT index: 73.41
                                    K index: 26.30
                         Cross totals index: 20.30
                      Vertical totals index: 26.30
                        Totals totals index: 46.60
      Convective Available Potential Energy: 6.84
             CAPE using virtual temperature: 10.15
                      Convective Inhibition: -42.47
             CINS using virtual temperature: -32.59
                           Equilibrum Level: 714.53
 Equilibrum Level using virtual temperature: 706.23
                   Level of Free Convection: 767.99
             LFCT using virtual temperature: 775.19
                     Bulk Richardson Number: 0.29
          Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV: 0.43
  Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 280.14
Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 860.76
     Mean mixed layer potential temperature: 292.42
              Mean mixed layer mixing ratio: 7.35
              1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness: 5539.00
Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding: 23.40

Description of the indices.

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